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Failed Smog Test

1989 Toyota Camry passed smog after I applied for the vehicle retirement program an was approved

My 1989 Toyota Camry did not pass smog earlier in the year. I applied for the vehicle retirement program and was approved. I received my official letter of retirement. I gave my car a tune-up and it passed when I tried again. I have paid my 2010 registration fees. My car is beginning to run not so good and I would have rather retired the car now. Can I still retire the car if I have a letter of approval? Or am I no longer eligible because it passed once with no room to spare? Thank you, Eric Anderson


I think the question is how long is the retirement program approval valid for? It's a great question. Once you pass the smog check the vehicle is no longer eligible for the vehicle retirement program during any phase of the process; up until getting a check (payment) handed over to you. In this case it's a little tricky; you're caught right in the middle. The only people that can give you a final answer would be the BAR (Bureau of Automotive Repairs). Give them a call at (800) 952-5210. I have a feeling though that they are not going to be willing to buy the car back at this point; maybe during the vehicle next registration renewal period which requires a smog check.

posted by SmogTips Support

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