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General Smog Check

2003 Isuzu - My car can pass smog check, but the check engine light will not go off.

We have spent about two thousand dollars trying to fix this car to pass the car will pass but the engine light will not stay off. We took it to the dealer and repaired the items they said was wrong with it. it did go off but after driving it for a short time it came back on. We do not know where to go from here. Can you help it is a 2003 isuzu


There really isn't anyone more experienced than the Isuzu dealership to diagnose your vehicles check engine light problem. I recommend you speak with the shop supervisor and make sure they are not making unnecessary repairs. If they can absolutely not find the fault, you should request your money back, advising them that you will ask the BAR to investigate why they have been unable to locate the problem; after you've spent $2000 dollars with them. From that point you should probably have your Isuzu diagnosed by the state smog check referees office. They often are not experts with a specific vehicle model, but they are emission repair experts and can contact the dealership for specific questions if they need to.

posted by SmogTips Support

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