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Vehicle Registration

MIL light wont turn of after repairs and reset 2001 Dodge Caravan 2wd

our van has had repair to fix the check engine light. it pass the Emissions and Visual test with flying colors, but the CIL wont turn off. It doesnt come up in the computer at our repair guy so he doesnt know the problem. someone owe the van before us and told us its always been a issue. what can we do to get it registered. we had it reseted but nothing works.


You will need to find a smog check repair station which is properly equipped to repair your Dodge Caravan. Along with the illuminated check engin elight there must be trouble codes stored in the engine computer. A technician should pull these codes and find out what is causing the check engine light to turn on. Once the problem is found and repaired; and the light turns off, you can get and pass a smog test.

posted by SmogTips Support

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