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Smog Check Repair

Ford 1986 Bronco II - Can I replace the Catalytic Converter myself?

Due to the fact that there is no longer any financial assistance (CAP) or "gold shield" inspection and repair assistance one must find ways to become in compliance with existing smog laws.

My vehicle recently purchased no longer passes emissions inspections.

Vehicle is 25 years old, has 115000 miles hence no warranty is valid on the catalytic converter or other emission devices.

I am a very experienced auto and truck mechanic and in the past have held a smog inspector's licence. I am not currently certified or employed as a mechanic.

I have researched fully which exact CARB compliant catalytic converter is exact for my vehicle and will consult a qualified smog repair facility technition just to be sure it is correct.

Upon researching current regulations the law does not seem to define "Installer", What happens if the owner installs the catalytic converter?

My intentions are to replace just about all the components with new ones and make sure the engine runs exactly to specs, I am of limited financial resources hence all the parts will be sourced by means of mail order, repairing this vehicle to pass first try is well within my skills but paying to have the catalytic converter installed by a licensed repair facility is not desirable due to the expense involved, this is a "Bolt-In" type of converter, I can competently install it in 20 minutes.

Would there be a problem with "Owner" installed catalytic converter?

Can I fill in the warranty card as being the installer?

Due to the physical condition of the existing catalytic converter, has holes rusted out, high Nox, Co, HC readings from failed emissions test, age and mileage, it does not take a super qualified person to realize this converter is dead, it is beyond obvious that it is in need of replacement, upon examination it is obviously the factory original from 25 years ago, even in the remotest of chances it might still be functional it certainly is ending its useful life.


California's smog check laws allow only a vehicle's owner or a State Certified Smog Repair station conduct smog inspections and smog repairs... which means, yes, you as this 1986 Ford Broco's owner are allowed to install any emission control device if you feel capable of performing the work. Just ensure you are installing a California approved CAT, designed specificaly for your Bronco, and you will be fine.

posted by SmogTips Support

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