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Vehicle Registration

My 2002 Chevrolet Camaro Z28's engine blew up. I need to swap it out. Will I have a smog check problem?

My car has a LS1 V8 engine. It blew up and I have found a LS1 V8 from a 98 Corvette. I would swap the intake, throttle body and fuel injectors from that car to my 02 engine. All the smog equipment is to be installed. Is there any issues with using the 98 in my 02? There the same engine just a different intake, injectors.


You may swap out your 2002 Chevy engine with a 1998 model, but it's not recommended. The State of California typically wants you to swap out with a newer model engine, but if you can make the job perfect by installing all the emissions components off of the 1998 engine, as well as ensuring all the electronics are working, you may be able to get an OK from the State. After the swap is complete, your Chevy Camaro will have to be inspected by a California State Referee. The Referee will ensure that the job was done properly and that the new engine does not pollute. If all is well they will issue you a BAR label which will be placed somewhere on your vehicles chassis which will be an indication that the vehicle is California legal. We highly recommend you speak directly with a State Referee before beginning any work, and get the fine details. You can contact the referee by calling (800)622-7733.

posted by SmogTips Support

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