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Vehicle Registration

Can my Honda pass the smog test without the Catalytic Converter monitor setting?

I have a 1999 Accord and has about 162K miles on it. The check engine light came on sometime back but have been driving it for few months since I don't have a job and money to fix it and was hoping to get some assistance from California program for cars which fail smog test. However that program is on hold now for a few months and California is not providing any assistance.

Last week with some help I was able to identify the Check engine light code as P0420 and reset it. After driving for few miles I checked again with OBD reader and found that monitoring test for Catalyst, Evaporative System, Oxygen Sensor and EGR have not been completed.

I continued to drive for a week (about 200 miles) in various driving conditions and checked today, only Catalyst monitor is not completed. Remaining seven monitors are all completed.

I have not taken my car to the SMOG check station yet. Do you think it will pass the test with all monitors ready except Catalyst?


The Catalyst monitor is one of those monitors that must be set in order for your 1999 Honda Accord to pass the smog inspection. The other two monitors that must be "ready" are the Comprehensive Monitor and the Oxygen Sensor monitor. California does allow you to pass the smog check with only one monitor "not" set, so long as that monitor is not one of the three mentioned above.

posted by SmogTips Support

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