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Vehicle Registration

1993 Honda Accord - I bought it without a smog check certificate.

I bought a car on May 3rd and the person who I bought it from did not have the car smogged. I didn't realize that until today the car was not smogged and has not passed smog since 2/12/2010. The seller is responsible for the smog, right? What should I do?


You should contact the seller and advise them of California Vehicle Code Section 24007 (b)(2) of the Vehicle Code which states it is the responsibility of the seller to provide a valid smog certificate at the time of delivery of the vehicle. There is no provision in the law to sell a vehicle "as is" as it applies to the smog check. If they refuse to get your vehicle smogged (they should accompany you to a smog station), you should smog check your Honda Accord yourself and take them to small claims court to recover your costs.

posted by SmogTips Support

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