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Vehicle Registration

In California, if i buy a car with tags 5 years expired, will i have to pay for the last five years

I want to buy a 94 altima in california that have not been resgistered or taged since 2005, as the new owner will i have to pay the tags and registeration for the five years the previous owner neglected to do so?


Beware... California will require the "buyer" to pay all past due registration fees. It is the buyer's responsibility to bring vehicle registration current, as far as the DMV is concerned. The seller, in this case, can easily argue that you knew and agreed to paying past due registration fees, and this was part of your agreement in purchasing the car. The DMV will not transfer the title to your name until you pay all due registration fees. Push comes to shove.... You'll end up in small claims court trying to recover the money you spent on past due vehicle registration fees and late fees; which for 5 years, could have amounted to several hundred dollars.

posted by SmogTips Support

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