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Vehicle Registration

1988 Toyota wagon needs repairs beyond what we want to put into it. Does this qualify for a $1000 buy back?

Didn't know if it has to officially fail a smog or not. It's not running right now, smog/renewal due in June.

2nd question if it qualifies: how long does it generally take to get the refund?



You may apply for the vehicle retirement program at any time and for any reason. The program will offer $1000 per vehicle as long as funds are available. You must first obtain and mail in a CAP application to the Bureau of Automotive Repairs. Upon recieving approval (usually takes about 3-4 weeks) you will be directed to a CAP authorized dismantler to turn in your vehicle and receive a payment. Contact the California State Bureau of Automotive Repairs at 1.800.952.5210 to have an application mailed out to you or download it online.

posted by SmogTips Support

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