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Failed Smog Test

I have a 2001 Saturn Sc-1 with approx 77,000 miles. It has failed the smog test twice.

I took my vehicle to the dealership to find out what was wrong with it after failing smog twice. It was the intake manifold gasket. I did the work myself (the dealer wanted too much). The codes that kept coming up were High RPMs and misfire in cylinder one. Now that the gasket is in, the RPMs have dropped considerably (down to 450-550) and the check engine light hasn't come back on. I need to try and get it smogged again - but I am scared. What if it doesn't pass again? Is there a pre-test I can take to ensure it is going to pass?


Yes you may obtain a pre-test however this is an identical test to the actual smog inspection except that the results of the smog inspection are not held against you. In other words say for instance the vehicle produces "Gross Polluter" results, under a regular smog inspection gross polluter results would subject your vehicle to test only smog inspections for the next several smog tests to come.


If the vehicle produces gross polluter results under a pre-test, the vehicle will not be subject to test only inspections and can continue being requested to undergo regular smog checks. Now this only applies if the vehicle has not been directed to a test only facility in the first place. If the DMV has asked your car to get a smog check at a test only center then getting a pre-test really makes no difference.


What I would really recommend is that you simply find a smog test only center that offers a free re-test, and this way even if your vehicle does fail the test you have a second test to utilize after further repairs. However it sounds like the repair you made to the intake manifold gasket should clear things up specially since you noticed a performance increase already.

posted by SmogTips Support

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