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Consumer Assistance

I have a 1987 toyota celica which failed to pass smog recently.

after failing my smog test due to what appears to be a leak in the exhaust manifold,I sent a completed application and all my proof of eligibility in to the CAP program right around christmas. It's been about 5 or 6 weeks now and I still have no answer,I've called twice now and it's been confirmed that is has in fact been recieved, however it still had not been processed yet due to the high volume of applications they've been receiving. my problem now is my two month extention on my registration will expire in exactly two weeks and they won't allow another extention without proof of approval from CAP. Bottom line is, I am about to have no vehicle, I have no other resources for transportation,so two weeks from now,not only will I be a stranded single mother,who's broke as a joke already,but a soon to be unemployed single mom,no car, no job. no job,no money. Answers, advice, I'll take whatever you got.


Absolutely nothing we can recommend except when your Toyota's tags do expire do not drive it, and do not park it on public roadways. You'll need to find public transportation until your CAP application is excepted. We're so sorry we have no easy or helpful option in this case.

posted by SmogTips Support

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