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Failed Smog Test

1996 Plymouth Voyager - Cylinder Misfire

My car's smog check problem is "cylinder misfiring." Is there still a remedy for this or I need to overhaul or to change my engine. My vehicle is 1996 Plymouth Voyager 3.0 liter FW engine.


Misfires are usually caused by bad spark. During the combustion process any number of engine conditions can cause emissions failures. Out of the three systems your engine relies on to produce combustion (air intake, fuel delivery, and spark control), the spark system has the components which require replacement most often. Sparkplugs and spark wires are constantly exposed to high temperatures and high voltages. You must ensure your Plymouth Voyager's ignition system is functioning properly, by inspecting all the sparkplugs and their wires. If any of the plugs look worn out or have excessive carbon build-up replace them immediately. You may use any brand of product designed to work in your vehicle. The distributor cap should also be inspected for cracks or excessive carbon deposits. If it appears that the cap may be faulty, you will need to replace it. More then likely you will see an instant performance increase once these corrections are made.


A misfire can also be caused due to high or low CO. A smog check repair station will first have to find out if your Plymouth's fuel feedback system is working properly. This includes ensuring the oxygen sensor is working properly, your vehicle's emissions computer is receiving the signals from the oxygen sensor, the computer is computing the data properly and sending the correct signals to the fuel injectors to either increase or decrease fuel delivery to the combustion chambers.

posted by SmogTips Support

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