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Consumer Assistance

1995 MB C280 sold after passing smog test. Now buyer is claiming major engine issues.

Marina Smog Test Center tested my C280 '95 MB the day I sold it. The test passed with:

RPM 1046/2355

%CO2 of 15.0/14.9,

%O2 0.0/0.0,

HC(PPM) Max 100/130, Ave 17/12, Meas 0/0

CO(%) Max 1.0/1.0, Ave 0.0/0.1, Meas 0/0

Now mechanics are telling him there is random misfires in the cylinders and lack of compression in one cylinder. If these problems existed wouldn't the vehicle have failed the test?


We can't give you legal advice, but having sold your used Mercedes Benz as-is required the buyer to conduct a thorough inspection prior to the purchase. On your end... You've completed your requirement as far as getting a passing smog check. To answer your question directly, your MBZ could not have the problems which the buyer is claiming and still pass a smog test; this would be highly unlikely. Based on your smog test results it appears your MBZ's engine was running very efficiently during the smog inspection.

posted by SmogTips Support

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