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Vehicle Registration

2006 BMW 325 Smog Check Exempt for 6 Years?

Bought this BMW in 2008 from dealer. Registration didn't ask for smog in '09 or this year. Is that a mistake? Should I take to get smogged anyway? I saw your Q&A says cars 4 or 6 model years old don't need it every other year but I've never heard that before, and I know someone who got hit with a big DMV fine for not getting her car smogged, even though her registration didn't ask for it--DMV said she should have know to do it anyway! So I'm trying to figure out if I should get smog check just to be on safe side...

Thank you!


No need to worry. Your 2006 BMW 325 is in the 6 year smog check exempt program. It will need a smog inspection in 2012. For peace of mind however, just call the DMV at (800) 777-0133 and have them confirm this. You already have a registration renewal document which does not ask for a smog test. It is highly unlikely that the DMV will ever come back to you in the near future asking for a smog check, not to mention, ask for fines and penalties. You have no worries. You're 2006 BMW 325 is smog check free for the next two years.

posted by SmogTips Support

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