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Failed Smog Test

I have a 2001 Dodge Stratus 3.0L V6. What is trouble code P0306?

I have fail the smog test because of Due to a warning lamp failure. Fault Codes P0306?? Yestorday. Now my friend resend the code. And today in the morning i have fail because "Failure to successfully complete all OBD Self tests??" But the engine light is not on when he test this?? So i need help with this. Thank you


When a vehicle's emissions computer is reset, necessary emissions information known as "Readiness Flags" are erased from the engine computer memory. These flags are required in order to show the smog machine that the required emissions components are present and working properly. Only after this internal "Readiness" test is conduct can a vehicle pass a smog inspection. Depending on how much driving you do, in order for a vehicle's Engine Control Unit to set all the necessary "Readiness Flags", a vehicle must be driven 1 to 2 weeks in order for the proper readiness flags to set. Since your friend recently reset the trouble codes you have to drive your vehicle for at least one week before taking or re-taking a smog test. I hope this information is helpful to you. If there is anything I can help with in the future, don't hesitate to e-mail.

posted by SmogTips Support

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