Your vehicle may very well be in excellent shape, unfortunately however, the check engine light must be functioning in order for your vehicle to pass the smog inspection. None of the other dashboard or instrument panel lights really make a difference, it's the Check Engine light or Malfunction Indicator Lamp which will pass or fail the vehicle.
The way the light should function (when functioning properly) is... it should be illuminated while the ignition key is in the ON position and engine is off, and then once the engine is started, the light should extinguish. The CEL or MIL is placed on the dash console to alert the driver that an engine malfunction exists which may be causing the engine to produce harmful emission. With the dashboard lights aren't working, the driver has no way of being alerted. This problem will cause a smog check failure. The dash lights should repaired prior to obtaining a smog inspection.
posted by SmogTips Support