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Failed Smog Test

I just purchased a 1984 VW Rabbit GTI, it has a replacement engine with very few miles and failed the smog check.

The smog station let my Volkswagon Rabbit idle for about 40 minutes prior to the smog test, or any equipment being hooked up to the car.

The car was at operating temperature prior to arrival, since the car just completed a 30 minute drive on the freeway.

I have searched the DMV, BAR and other websites for that subject but have not found any procedures or guidelines.

This has happened to me before with a different car and it seems that letting a car idle for that long would automatically cause any car to fail?

Thank you in advance for any information you might be able to provide.


Your VW Rabbit should not have failed the smog test simply because it was idling for any amount of time prior to the smog test. The procedures for the smog inspection do not specify how long a vehicle needs to idle for prior to the smog check, just that the vehicle be at normal operation temperature before the test. Normal operating temperature can be achieved in any way necessary, including idling the vehicle or testing the vehicle as it's driven into the smog station (in normal operating condition). Perhaps the smog technician forgot your VW was running while he was performing other duties. Either way the idling should not have affected your VW Rabbit's smog check results.

posted by SmogTips Support

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