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Failed Smog Test

Chrysler Town and Country Catalyst Monitor Not Ready

I wanted to pass my smog test but the only monitor I failed was CAT. The smog machine said "Catalyst Monitor Not Ready" and the smog mechanic said that I need to drive a longer distance. He also said I won't be able to register my car with the monitor not ready because it will fail the smog check. However I am reading that cars from 2000 are allowed to have one monitor not being ready, is that true? If so where can I find that information and would the cat qualify for this? Thanks so much for your help.


The Bureau of Automotive Repairs has reduced the number of allowable incomplete OBD II readiness monitors for both the new BAR-OIS (for 2000 & newer vehicles) and the BAR-97 (1999 & older) smog inspections systems since your Chrysler Town & Country had its smog inspection.

The new Emission Monitor Requirement criteria is as follows:

- 1996-1999 model year gasoline powered vehicles will be allowed one incomplete readiness/emission monitor

- 2000 and newer model year gasoline powered vehicles will need all emission monitors in READY or COMPLETE status, with the exception of the EVAP monitor. An incomplete evaporative monitor will not cause a smog check failure. It will be the only monitor allowed to be incomplete on a 2000 & newer vehicle.

In this particular case it appears your Chrysler's catalyst monitor is not complete. Your smog technician is correct. Your Town and Country will not pass the smog check if the catalytic converter monitor is not ready. If your Chrysler's engine control computer was recently reset, or the vehicle's battery disconnected or needed charging, you will need to drive your Town & Country through a specific drive cycle designed for your vehicle in order to make the monitors ready for the smog test.

Visit this webpage to learn how to complete a Chrysler Town and Country Drive Cycle.

posted by SmogTips Support

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