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Consumer Assistance

Financial Assistance For Smog Check

How would I get a smog check for a low income person...


There is no government assistance for low income individuals in terms of actually getting the smog check. The smog check must be paid for by an individual needing a smog inspection. Once the smog inspection is obtained and the vehicle fails the smog test there is then government assistance for low income individuals to help pay for smog check repairs; but the smog check itself must be paid for by the individual.

For more information on how to obtain up to $500.00 in free smog check repairs follow the link below. Certain exclusions apply such as your vehicle's registration may not be expired past 90 days, and those vehicles undergoing a title transfer are not eligible, as well as a few other specifics... but for the most part if it's your own vehicle which you've had continuously registering in California for at least the past two years, you are low income (per Federal Poverty Guidelines), your vehicle has failed the smog inspection for other than a emission tamper, and you are not in the process of selling it, the State can help you get your vehicle repaired.

If the $500.00 in free repairs (only performed at a STAR certified smog test & repair shop) is not enough to get your vehicle to pass the smog test and you can not afford to pay the remainder necessary to get it to pass, the state may issue you a one time 2 year smog check waiver (smog exemption).

Learn more below.

California Consumer Assistance (CAP) Smog Check Repair Program to Help Pay for Smog Check Repair when a vehicle has failed and the vehicle's owner is low income eligible.

posted by SmogTips Support

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