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General Smog Check

Ford Mustang Missing CARB Numbers

I have a 2001 Ford Mustang v6 that I purchased from an impound lot. It had aftermarket headers, a Windstar intake manifold and an a K&N air filter. I replaced everything and still failed the visual part of the smog check because the cold air intake doesn't have a ARB number. I went to a junk yard found a Ford Mustang that's the same year with an OEM cold air intake with CARB numbers on it. So I purchased it and installed but the smog shop failed me again saying it belonged to a different car. But it fit my car, it has CARB numbers so why am I not able to use it? Please explain why.


Visit the California Air Resources Board Aftermarket Parts Search webpage and search the CARB number that is on the cold air intake you installed on your Ford Mustang. It will probably indicate that it belongs to a Ford Mustang of a different engine size or vehicle model year. The CARB number on any aftermarket part you use on your Ford Mustang has to exactly match your Ford Mustang's year and engine size. The part simply fitting on your Mustang's engine does not make it smog check legal; California law. It might pass another State's emission inspection, but California is quite a bit stricter when it comes to the smog check; and since the start of the STAR smog check program, where a station can lose their STAR certification if they don't inspect OE (executive order) number, they are very cautious to make sure all aftermarket parts are legal and for the vehicle being emission tested.

posted by SmogTips Support

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