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Emissions Component

2001 Suzuki Vitara XL-7 3.6 Catalytic Converter

My Suzuki Vitara failed the smog check and I have taken it to a smog repair shop. The shop says it needs new manifold with Catalytic converter attached to it. My manifold has a crack in it. The shop can't find parts legal for sale in California. What do I do, as I need the car? Is there a way to extend the registration renewal date until parts can be found?


We were unable to locate a California legal aftermarket catalytic converter for your Suzuki Vitara. Your option is to purchase an original exhaust manifold and catalytic converter from the dealer. You may also contact the State's Smog Check Parts locator by calling 800–622–7733.

In the mean time you may ask the DMV for an extension; although recently the greatest extension they have been giving has been for 30 days. Not sure if this will help you out. There is a $50.00 fee involved for the extension as well. Visit a local DMV branch. It is recommended to make an appointment first as the average wait time now is 1.5 hours.

posted by SmogTips Support

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