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Vehicle Registration

Want to Sell 1985 K-10 Chevy Pickup Truck Not Running

The engine on this 1985 K10 Chevy Truck does not run in the vehicle. I am selling the truck because it does not run. The obvious question is, how do I sell and turn over the title without the required smog check?


The proper way of selling your Chevy K10 Pickup truck is to convert the registration over to Non-Operational and then sell it.

Keep in mind also (and this is not legal advice) but without converting to non-operational status, if the buyer will sign a waiver, admitting full on, that he/she is aware that the vehicle is being sold without a smog certificate because of a damaged engine, you will probably more than likely be fine with the sale.

Remember though, if the buyer one day decides that they made a bad choice for whatever reason smog check related, they still maintain the right to sue you in small claims court to collect on damages. We can't imagine any buyer would do this sort of thing, especially after signing a waiver, but just keep this in mind: By selling a vehicle without a smog certificate and with a waiver might not protect you in court depending on circumstances.

posted by SmogTips Support

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