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Vehicle Registration

1992 VW Jetta Needs a STAR Smog Check

How do I obtain the smog certificate if I have to go to a Star (test only) station? I have a 1992 VW Jetta. I have to go to a Star Station this year. If it passes the smog test, will a test only station issue me a certificate? If not, where will I have to go to get one?


It appears theDMV has chosen your VW Jetta to be inspected at a STAR smog station. You can choose to visit either a STAR test only smog station or STAR test & repair smog station. It makes no difference as long as either type of smog center STAR certified. Both types can and will issue your VW Jetta a smog certificate after passing the smog check. STAR smog stations are similar to regular smog stations accept that they must conform to higher standards established by the Bureau of Automotive Repairs AND when the DMV requests a STAR smog inspection, only a STAR certified smog center can give you a smog certificate.

posted by SmogTips Support

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