Most definitely the DMV and BAR should investigate how your VW Cabrio passed a previous smog check with the malfunction indicator lamp removed, if in fact this is the case. In the mean time since you already replaced the light bulb and in essence corrected the "emission tamper" the BAR should now accept your CAP application... unless you are going through the "title transfer" process. Vehicle owners undergoing a title transfer, such as when a vehicle has recently been purchased, are not eligible for CAP repair assistance; so hopefully this is not the case as it relates to your Volkswagen Cabrio.
If your CAP application is approved, replacing the catalytic converter will fall into eligible CAP repair. A complete diagnosis will be conducted first (by the STAR smog check & repair facility of your choice) before the Catalytic Converter is replaced in order to ensure that in fact your VW's CAT is defective.