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Failed Smog Test

Toyota Camry Trouble Code P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor During Smog Check

My 2005 Toyota Camry failed the functional only (Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction) P0500 on smog test.

The check engine light is not illuminated inside vehicle when driving. However, as soon as Smog Tech puts it on the treadmill (dynomometer), check engine light comes on. If there is a problem with my Toyota, why does the light not come on during normal driving (driven 34 miles daily to work and back). Do we have to take the car to a shop to fix the problem?


Trouble code P0500 indicates a Vehicle Speed Sensor system fault. Your Toyota Camry has vehicle speed sensors on each of the four wheels installed in order to send wheel speed data to the ABS system (as well as the emission control computer ECC). While your Toyota Camry is being driven on the dynamometer (when only the front wheels are spinning) the ECC sets a vehicle speed sensor P0500 trouble code.

The proper test procedure for your Toyota Camry should be to configure the smog check machine to "Non-Disengagable Traction Control" and perform a "2-Speed Idle test" instead of the loaded ASM test (dyno). We recommend calling a second smog station to see if they will perform a 2 speed idle test. If other stations refuses to test in this manner, contact the State Smog Check Referee's Office for a smog check appointment with them.

posted by SmogTips Support

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