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Failed Smog Test

Honda Civic Drive Cycle to Complete Emission Monitors

2008 Honda Civic, around 15,700 miles. Car passed emissions tests but failed 3 of 5 OBD tests.

A couple weeks ago, took my Honda Civic into a smog test center as was required by the upcoming registration renewal.

While my Honda easily passed the emissions tests, the car failed the OBD tests.

I told the owner that I had to replace the battery 2 months earlier.

He suggested I drive it on the freeway at 60 mph for 30 minutes, which I did. It was retested and this time 2 of the 5 items passed.

This past weekend, I once again drove on the freeway for around 40 miles mostly at 60 or above and had it retested. Once again, the same 2 out of 5 passed.

Any ideas????

Thank you in advance!!!


First thing we recommend checking the your Honda Civic's ECU Memory fuse. Check your owners manual for fuse number. If the fuse is blown it will not allow the ECU to compete the required emission self-tests (or monitors). If the fuse is ok. We recommend following the drive cycle below (maybe a few times over) 1. Start with making sure your Honda has 1/4 to 3/4 tank of gas. 2. Park your Honda Civic for 9 hours (overnight). 3. Start and idle the engine with A/C off for 15 minutes. 4. Stop engine for 10 minutes. 5. Start engine and idle for 5 minutes. 6. Next, drive your Honda Civic at a steady throttle (50mph) for 12 minutes. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6. Once the process is complete, check for complete emission monitors.

posted by SmogTips Support

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