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Failed Smog Test

1995 Integra LS Engine Swapped with 1996 GSR VTEC

I have a 95 Integra LS 1.8 non vtec engine that is obd1 and I swapped a 96 GSR 1.8 with vtec  that is OBD II. Everything is stock on the motor.

The new motor I swapped into my Integra is completely stock but when I took it to get smog check the guy failed it cause he said my car is OBD I and should have only one oxygen sensor and the motor is OBD II which has the two oxygen sensors. From my understanding I thought you could swap any 1.8 motor into another 1.8???


 You can swap any 1.8 for another 1.8 engine, in some cases you can even swap a larger or smaller engine size, however any time you do an engine swap you have to include all the new engine emission componets as well, including and most importantly, the new engine's computer and all emission sensors requird for the engine computer to operate.

posted by SmogTips Support

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