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Failed Smog Test

Chrysler Voyager Smog Test EVAP and Check Engine Light

2003 Chrysler Voyager Minivan. Questions about "gross polluter" status and "partial dismantling" for smog repairs exemptions.

How can a vehicle pass emissions yet fail to get a smog certificate? Isn't the emissions the reason for the smog certificate?

 I understand that vehicles over 7 years old don't need a Test only. But I noticed that I'm listed this year as a "gross polluter". I'm curious why? My Chrysler Voyager has never failed any smog test, but earlier this year the check engine light came on and we took it to our Chrysler service department. We couldn't afford the repairs at the time but was that service information reported to the BAR? So in turn is that why we were given a "gross polluter" status?

The Chrysler's smog check results... it passed all of the emissions tests but failed on the following two categories of visual inspection and function check:

PCV System: There is a visibly cracked hose which I can replace myself.

OBD System: Our Chrysler service department had told us that our check engine light problem was likely a result of a vapor leak by the gas tank (charcoal canister?). But to have it repaired would require pulling out the gas tank. I read on this website that "vehicles with fuel EVAP lines not accessible without requiring the vehicle to be partially dismantled" are exempt. Is removing a gas tank to do repairs considered "partially dismantling"? Are they exempt from the OBD system check, or are they exempt from the Test only status? Thanks in advance.


The BAR may have determined that certain year models of Chrysler Voyager are more than often gross polluters and such chosen your Chrysler Voyager to be inspected at a STAR smog check station. Unless the Chrysler dealership performed a smog check during their check engine light diagnosis, the BAR would not know that your Chrysler's check engine light was on.

As far as "Partially Dismantling", in terms of smog check this applies only to the EVAP test (also known as LPFET - Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test) portion of the smog inspection. If the smog technician can not located a vehicle's EVAP vapor return line during the LPFET portion of the smog check the LPFET is bypassed.

posted by SmogTips Support

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