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Out of State Vehicle

Moving to CA will my 2010 Ford Mustang V6 pass?

My Ford Mustang was purchased brand new in FL by me in 2010, it is completely stock and has had no modifications done to it. The underlying sticker shows TWC/HO2S/EGR/SFI. General rule of thumb would this vehicle require any modifications to pass the CA emissions requirements? I understand this might be hard to give an answer without actually testing but I am just looking for general knowledge as I have to decide whether to bring the car or sell it. Thank you kindly


Your Ford Mustang is relatively new, and we'll assume it has been relatively taken care of. It should not have a problem passing the California emissions test. It's true, there is a difference with California legal and Federal legal emission requirements. And, for the most part California is stricter. However, a used vehicle, such as your Ford Mustang (which has not had its emission components modified) can pass the California smog inspection process.


If you'd like to have an emission test administered in Florida (only for the purpose of ensuring its emission results are passing - you'll need to get a California Smog Check in order to register your Mustang in California) and look up California emission cut scores, we've attached the California Emissions Cut Scores link below. The tested emissions are HC, CO, and NO.


Here's the link:


California Emission Cut Scores

posted by SmogTips Support

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