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Consumer Assistance

Completing 2000 Ford Taurus Emissions Monitors After Smog Repairs

After repairing my 2000 Ford Taurus's check engine light & coolant light (there was a short in the wiring) the smog technician said I have to drive 100 miles before the car could be smog checked again. Why was this necessary?


It appears during the recent repair of your 2000 Ford Taurus Check Engine Light its OBD II computer system was reset; erasing all the emission monitors (readiness flags) from the OBD II computer.

Setting the emission monitors requires driving your Ford Taurus at least 100 miles; consisting of everyday normal driving, stop and starts (like at red lights and traffic), ignition on and off several times a day with at least 15 minute delays in-between (this allows the EVAP monitor to run), and freeway driving at least on three occasions for at least 5 minutes each at speeds above 40 mph.

posted by SmogTips Support

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