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Vehicle Registration

2001 Honda Civic purchase date later then date on pink slip.

So I purchased a 2001 Honda Civic that I have been looking at for quite some time. on 10/22/12 I was ready to buy it from the owner. As he was signing the Pink Slip he dated it 10/22/12 I asked if he smogged it he said no. So i held off on it. I kept shopping around. And I came across the vehicle again. the Owner still hadnt smogged it. I told him I would get it smogged myself. so we agreed on a price for the vehicle. Now here is where i have questions. I purchased the vehicle on 2/11/13 same date is on the BILL of SALE. But the Pink SLip still has the date signed 10-22-12. Will the DMV go off the date of what the Pink Slip says or the Bill Of Sale? Can The date crossed out on the pink slip? If the DMV goes off of the date 10-22-12. How MUCH ar late transfer fees?


We don't recommend doing any correction on the pink slip unless the seller can autograph it. The DMV should process this Honda Civic's title transfer based on the date on the Bill-of-Sale. The official purchase date should be the one indicated on the Bill of Sale. Often sellers are convinced of a purchase, prepare the vehicle's title for purchase, only for the deal not to go through. The seller should make the correction on the title and indicate the correction with their initials or signature.

If it's too late to contact the seller, don't worry about correcting the title. Simply explain the situation to the DMV clerk and make sure your have a bill-of-sale with the CORRECT purchase date.

posted by SmogTips Support

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