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Failed Smog Test

2003 Chevy Impala Catalytic Converter Numbers Not Matching

Hello, We have our 2003 Chevy Impala we purchased used in 2009 shortly after we needed to replace the catalytic converter. Back then and still now there is no aftermarket CAT for a 2003 Chevy Impala, so a 2002 was put in not to our knowledge but according to the shop he followed all laws that were in place then.

Well it passed smog in 2011 with no problems. BUT this January we took it in for a smog check and it passed all emissions no problem but the smog technician says that the CAT numbers don't match up, sooooo you have to go to a referee throught the state of CA.

The guy there basically says the same thing apparently with the NEW law you have to have the 2003 in there to match the car BUT you can only get that from a dealer and that part/work costs $1200 and up. Since there is no replacement part for a 2003 chevy impala, what???

Can this be our only option? How horrible is that a part that has been working well for years and can only be replaced by a dealer WHY?


Truth is it has always been illegal to replace your Chevy Impala's CAT (or any vehicle's CAT for that matter) with an non matching Catalytic Converter (2002 model year CAT instead of 2003). However in the past smog check technicians in California were not being monitored as closely as they are today and so they had much more wiggle room. If the CAT looked like it fit, it was of the same make and model as the original, they passed it.

Today the BAR is making sure every smog check technician pays very close attention to a vehicle's CAT and ensures it is the correct CAT for the vehicle; the smog technicians license depends on it, literally. With the new STAR smog check program smog technicians have to make 100% sure they are following the smog check test procedure to a "T".

Unfortunately at this point it appears your only recourse is to purchase a new dealer CAT. You may choose to contact a State Smog Check Referee for an exemption, however our thoughts are that they will more than likely not allow that since the CAT is an "available" dealer part.

posted by SmogTips Support

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