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Failed Smog Test

Can I sell my 1994 Chevy Camaro if it has a smog check exempt waiver?

I have a 1994 camaro z28 that runs and looks great. It' always passed smog check until I installed some legal mid-legnth headers. Now it won't pass. I have put over $500 into this car to get it to pass and it won't. Not even mechcanics know what is wrong. I got a 2 year smog check waiver and now I want to sell it because I'm just done putting money into it. Can I sell the car if it's on a 2 year waiver? I have about 1 year left on it. Oh yeah the car has high NOX.


Section 24007 (b)(2) of the Vehicle Code states it is the responsibility of the seller to provide a valid smog certificate when selling his/her vehicle. There is no provision in the law to sell a vehicle "as is" in terms of the smog check.

Now if the buyer will sign a waiver, admitting full on, that he/she is aware that the vehicle is being bought without a smog certificate because of engine problems or problems unknown to you, you might be fine with the sale. Remember however, if the buyer one day decides that they made a bad choice, they still can sue you to collect damages. Who a judge will side with will be up to the court.

posted by SmogTips Support

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