The California smog check requires all 1976 to 1995 model year vehicles undergo a visual and functional gas cap test for proper fit and installation. The smog technician is required to enter a Pass or Fail for both of these test sections. 1996 and newer vehicles only need to have a visual gas cap inspection done.
According to the State of California Smog Check Procedures manual, if a smog technician is prompted by the smog machine (and often they are) to conduct a functional Gas Cap test on a 1996 or newer vehicle, the smog check technician should not test the gas cap and enter "No Adapter Available" where he/she would have entered Pass or Fail results.
To confirm this information please contact a BAR inspector at (800) 952-5210. It's the latest information we have, however the BAR does send "BAR Blasts" regularly to smog stations, and there is always the possibility testing procedures have changed. As of the time of this email however, and after speaking with our technicians in the field the gas cap functional test is only for 1996 and newer vehicle.